
Savin C6055/C7570
Embedded @Remote Cost
Embedded @Remote’s automated reading and reporting feature is included in the device at no
additional cost. It is suggested that the automated meter reading service should be offered to the
customer at no charge. Please consult with your management to obtain their direction on this matter.
Just consider the impact to the customer if they are comparing two competitive MFP proposals that are
very similar in cost. Consider also that only one proposal, yours, includes automated meter reporting
for no incremental cost. Which proposal will have more value to the customer? Which proposal will
they be likely to select? Clearly the proposal that includes no-cost meter reading and reporting will
have a distinct advantage.
Since embedded @Remote does not provide access to online fleet reporting, there is no access to the
service and no associated fee for that service.
tomer Profile for Embedded and Appliance
The chart shown above describes the positioning of embedded @Remote relative to the @Remote
Appliance. As the chart shows, the embedded type is intended for accounts that have only a few
devices on the network. Embedded @Remote should be proposed when the customer does not have a
sufficient number of networked devices to warrant fleet utilization reporting. The key point to help you
decide whether to propose the Appliance or embedded type is the size of their networked fleet
including Savin and competitive devices. For example, if the account needs only two (2) of your MFPs,
then propose the embedded type. Conversely if the account needs two (2) of your devices AND they
have 20 other devices on the network, they can benefit from and need Fleet Reporting, so propose the
@Remote Appliance.
@Remote Type Account Type Account characteristics Customer requirements
RC Gate Mid to Large a) 5 or more Savin MFPs a) Need to develop print
Appliance connected to the network management strategy
OR b) Want to have fleet
b) 20 or more other MFPs utilization reporting
or printers connected to c) Need help to optimize
the network fleet and reduce
document production costs
Embedded Type Small (1) to (4) Savin MFPs a) Need to simply automate
connected to the network meter reading now
b) Customer does not need a
print management strategy
or fleet reporting due to
their small size