Tag Class
Selects the class of the custom tag. Class 0+, Class 1.19, Gen 2, and Class Zuma tags are read/write.
Class 0 tags are read only. The default is Gen 2.
Read Tries
Selects how many times the RFID encoder will try each read command. The default is infinite, which
causes the encoder to try until the operation times out.
Write Tries
Selects how many times the RFID encoder will try each write command. The default is 9.
RFID Calibrate
Causes the printer to run calibration for the current RFID tags installed in the printer. After the
calibration is complete, the custom settings are changed to work with the tags installed. These settings
do not take effect until Custom Tag is set to Enable.
Tag Position
Determines how far the RFID tag position of the currently installed custom tags differs from the RFID
tag position of the standard SATO tag. SATO printers print at maximum speed with RFID labels that
have RFID tags in the standard position. The default is 0.0 mm.
Introduction to the RFID configuration options