
MEPS Televisions April 2005
Page 3
A study produced for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority by
Wise Analysis Ltd
AGO Australian Greenhouse Office
ANZ Australian and New Zealand
AS Australian Standard
AS/NZS Joint Australian and New Zealand standard
BAU Business as Usual
BRANZ Building Research Association of New Zealand
-e Carbon dioxide equivalent
Comparative label A type of product label that indicates not only that the product meets specific
energy or environmental criteria, but allows comparison between products by
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
DVD Digital Video Disk
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
EECA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
Endorsement label A type of product label that indicates a product meets specific criteria (i.e.
energy or environmental). The label does not allow comparison between
eligible products.
EER Energy Efficiency Ratio
EEI Energy Efficiency Index, a measure which indicates the efficiency of TVs in
both the On and Standby mode.
GEEA Group for Energy Efficient Appliances (Europe)
HDTV High-definition television
HEEP Household Energy End-use Project (BRANZ/EECA)
IRD Integrated receiver decoder
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MCE Ministerial Council on Energy (Australia)
MEPS Minimum Energy Performance Standards
NAEEEP National Appliance and Equipment Energy Program (Australia)
NAEEEC National Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Committee (Australia)
NFEE National Framework for Energy Efficiency (Australia)
NPV Net present value
Ownership The ratio of stock to the total number of households.
Penetration The proportion of households in which a particular appliance type is present
(irrespective of the number of units of that appliance in the household).
Saturation The number of specified appliances per household, for those households that
have the appliance.
SDTV Standard-definition television
Statistics NZ Statistics New Zealand
STB Set top box
TTMRA Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement
TV Television
VCR Video cassette recorder