
SVMi-4 / DCS Set Up
After inserting the SVMi-4 card and turning the power on there are some Key
system options that should be set in order for the SVMi-4 to function correctly.
These steps are performed in the DCS 50si or DCS Compact. It is necessary to
perform these at this time so that the SVMi-4 will initialize properly and syn-
chronize its mailbox database with that of the Key system. For more information
on this see INITIAL SET UP.
Assigning Groups All SVMi-4 ports installed must be assigned to group 529 in
MMC 601.
Ring Mode Select either SEQUENTIAL or DISTRIBUTED ring mode in MMC 601.
VMAA Ports Confirm that all SVMi-4 ports are set for VMAA use in MMC 207.
This will be done automatically. You are just confirming at this point.
Auto Attendant If you are using SVMi-4 for Auto Attendant use MMC 406 to
set the desired trunk(s) to ring group 529.
Call Forwarding If you are using SVMi-4 for Voice Mail make sure that all
desired stations are forwarded to group 529.
Mailbox Set Up Select “NO” for each station that you DO NOT want to create a
mailbox for in MMC 741.
Installation - Page 36