200Mbps Powerline Pass-Through Fast Ethernet Adapter KIT - RPLC-201PKIT- User’s Manual
3.2 Joining a Network
Devices A and B are located in network N. Users want to add device C (the
joiner) into network N. Any devices on network N can become the „adder‟.
Joining a network
Please follow below to add Device C to Network N using the Security button:
1. Press the Security/Reset pushbutton on device C (the joiner) for 5-8
seconds. The device will reset and restart with a random NMK.
2. Press the Security/Reset button on device C (the „joiner‟) for less than 3
3. Within 30 seconds, press the Security/Reset button on device A (or device
B) for less than 3 seconds.
4. Wait for connection to complete.
The power indicator on both devices will flash evenly at 1 second intervals until
the operation succeeds or fails. If the connection succeeds, the Power and Data
indicators on both devices illuminate steadily. If the connection fails, the Power
indicators on both devices keep steady on, but the Data indicators on both
devices are off. In that case, repeat steps 1-4.
3.2 Leaving a Network
Device C is located in a network. Users want to remove device C (the „leaver‟)
from its network.