Adjusting the Levels of Each Frequency Range (EQUALIZER)
The RD-700NX is equipped with a four-band equalizer.
You can use the EQUALIZER [LOW] knob, [LOW MID] knob, [HIGH MID] knob, and [HIGH] knob to adjust the level of each frequency range.
By holding down the [EXIT/SHIFT] button and turning the corresponding knob, you can adjust the center frequency of each frequency range.
Equalization is applied to the overall sound output from the OUTPUT jacks.
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1. Press the EQUALIZER [ON/OFF] button to make its indicator light.
A screen like the one shown below appears, and the equalizer is turned on.
2. Turn the knobs to adjust the levels and the frequency in each range.
Rotating a EQUALIZER knob ([LOW] knob, [LOW MID]
knob, [HIGH MID] knob, [HIGH] knob) in the negative
direction cuts the level of that frequency range;
rotate it in the positive direction boost the level of
that range.
In addition, holding down the [EXIT/SHIFT] button
and turning a knob toward the negative direction
will lower the frequency, and turning it toward the
positive direction will raise the frequency.
You can press the [TONE EDIT] (NUMERIC)button to get a numerical reading for the value of the setting. Pressing the [TONE EDIT] (NUMERIC) button
toggles you between “NUMERIC” and “GRAPHIC” as the format for what you see indicated in the screen.
The way settings are made di ers depending on the format used, as follows:
When the Graphic format is used
• Slightly adjust the knob for the range in which you want to change the value to move the cursor.
• Press the Cursor [
] [ ] buttons to adjust the frequency.
• Press the Cursor [
] [ ] buttons to adjust the Q.
When the Numeric format is used
• Press the Cursor [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] buttons to move the cursor.
• Press the [DEC] [INC] buttons to change the value.
• Repeatedly press the [Layer EDIT] (BAND) button to step through the frequency ranges for editing.
• In the low range (LOW) and high range (HIGH) screens, you can switch the equalizer type.
Parameter Value
Type Shelving, Peaking
3. To turn the equalizer o , press the EQUALIZER [ON/OFF] button, extinguishing its indicator.
You can set the RD-700NX so that the equalizer settings are not changed when you change Live Sets (p.
44). Refer to“Preventing Equalizer Settings from Being Switched (EQ Mode)” ( p. 67).
Sounds may be distorted with certain knob settings. If this occurs, adjust the Input Gain on the upper of the “NUMERIC” screen.