Adding effects
The Auto Wah cyclically controls a filter to create cyclic change in
The Rotary effect simulates the sound of the rotary speakers often
used with the electric organs of the past.
Since the movement of the high range and low range rotors can be
set independently, the unique type of modulation characteristic of
these speakers can be simulated quite closely. This effect is most
suitable for electric organ Patches.
The compressor flattens out high levels and boosts low levels,
smoothing out unevenness in volume.
Value Description
Filter Type
LPF, BPF Selects the type of filter.
LPF: The wah effect will be ap-
plied over a wide frequency
BPF: The wah effect will be ap-
plied over a narrow frequency
Rate # 0.05–10.00 [Hz] Adjusts the frequency of the
Depth 0–127 Adjusts the depth of the modu-
Sens 0–127 Adjusts the sensitivity with
which the filter is controlled.
Manual # 0–127 Adjusts the center frequency
from which the effect is applied.
Peak 0–127 Adjusts the amount of the wah
effect that will occur in the area
of the center frequency. Lower
settings will cause the effect to
be applied in a broad area
around the center frequency.
Higher settings will cause the ef-
fect to be applied in a more nar-
row range.
Level 0–127 Adjusts the output level.
Parameter Value Description
High Slow 0.05–10.00 [Hz] Adjusts the slow speed (SLOW)
of the high frequency rotor.
Low Slow 0.05–10.00 [Hz] Adjusts the slow speed (SLOW)
of the low frequency rotor.
High Fast 0.05–10.00 [Hz] Adjusts the fast speed (FAST) of
the high frequency rotor.
Low Fast 0.05–10.00 [Hz] Adjusts the fast speed (FAST) of
the low frequency rotor.
Auto Wah
L out
R out
L in
R in
L out
R out
L in
R in
Speed #
SLOW, FAST Simultaneously switch the rota-
tional speed of the low frequen-
cy rotor and high frequency
SLOW: Slows down the rotation
to the specified speed (the Low
Slow/Hi Slow values).
FAST: Speeds up the rotation to
the specified speed (the Low
Fast/Hi Fast values).
* When you want to use the ped-
al switch to switch the Rotary ro-
tation speed, select MFX
PARAMETER1 in Pedal Control
Assign (p. 90).
High Accel 0–15 Adjusts the time it takes the high
frequency rotor to reach the
newly selected speed when
switching from fast to slow (or
slow to fast) speed.
Lower values will require long-
er times.
Low Accel 0–15 Adjusts the time it takes the low
frequency rotor to reach the
newly selected speed when
switching from fast to slow (or
slow to fast) speed.
Lower values will require longer
High Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume of the high
frequency rotor.
Low Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume of the low
frequency rotor.
Separation 0–127 Adjusts the spatial dispersion of
the sound.
Level # 0–127 Adjusts the output level.
Value Description
0–127 Adjusts the time over which low
level sounds are boosted until
they reach the specified volume.
Attack 0–127 Adjusts the attack time of an in-
put sound.
Pan # L64–63R Adjusts the stereo location of the
output sound.
L64 is far left, 0 is center, and
63R is far right.
Post Gain 0, +6, +12, +18
Adjusts the output gain.
Low Gain -15– +15 [dB] Adjusts the gain of the low fre-
High Gain -15– +15 [dB] Adjusts the gain of the high fre-
Level # 0–127 Adjusts the output level.
Value Description
L in
R in
L out
R out
Pan R
Pan L
JUNO-D_e.book 71 ページ 2004年6月11日 金曜日 午後1時21分