Names of Things and What They Do
This shows the sound name, song number, tempo, time
signature, and the value of various settings.
[Tempo/Beat] (
) button
Here you can adjust the tempo and time signature of the
metronome (p. 46).
[Song] (
) button
This lets you select the song to play back (p. 48).
[ ] (–) button
You can select the preceding song by pressing this
button while the song select screen is displayed (p. 49).
If you hold down this button while a song is playing, the
song will be rewound.
Use this button to select variations of the sound you’re
playing on the keyboard (p. 26).
This button is also used to edit various values.
[ ] (+) button
You can select the next song by pressing this button
while the song select screen is displayed (p. 49).
If you hold down this button while a song is playing, the
song will be fast-forwarded.
Use this button to select variations of the sound you’re
playing on the keyboard (p. 26).
This button is also used to edit various values.
[ ] (Play/Stop) button
Use this button to play/stop an internal preset song or a
song you’ve recorded (p. 48).
This button is also used to begin recording your
performance (p. 57).
[ ] (Rec) button
This lets you record your own performance into the
HP207 (p. 57).
Track buttons
You can use these buttons to play back or record your
performance separately for each hand (p. 52, p. 60).
The right-hand performance of internal preset songs is
assigned to the [Right] button, the left-hand performance
to the [Left] button, and the remaining parts of the
performance to the [Accomp] button.
[Key Touch] button
This lets you adjust the touch sensitivity of the keyboard
(p. 30).
You can listen to the demo songs by holding down this
button and pressing the [File] button (p. 23).
[File] button
This lets you save a recorded song in internal memory or
in USB memory (p. 70).
You can also copy songs between internal memory and
USB memory (p. 74).
[Display Contrast] knob
This adjusts the brightness of the screen (p. 19).
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HP207_e.book 13 ページ 2006年12月25日 月曜日 午前9時52分