The S9 VPAP Tx provides continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilevel therapy.
The S9 VPAP Tx is a component of the S9 VPAP Tx Lab System. The S9 VPAP Tx Lab System provides
remote PC control of a positive airway pressure therapy device (therapy device) capable of delivering
multiple therapy modes. The system comprises:
1. S9 VPAP Tx or other compatible ResMed therapy device
2. Tx Link connection module
3. EasyCare Tx titration software.
This guide provides instructions for the S9 VPAP Tx. Refer to the Tx Link Quick Setup Guide and EasyCare
Tx Online Help for instructions on their use.
S9 VPAP Tx indications for use
The S9 VPAP Tx is indicated for the treatment and titration of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA),
respiratory insufficiency, central or mixed apneas, or periodic breathing. CPAP, S, ST, T and PAC modes
are indicated for patients weighing more than 30 lb (13 kg); all other modes are indicated for patients
weighing more than 66 lb (30 kg).
The S9 VPAP Tx is intended to be used in a clinical environment.
S9 VPAP Tx contraindications
Positive airway pressure therapy may be contraindicated in some patients with the following pre-existing
• severe bullous lung disease
• pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum
• pathologically low blood pressure, particularly if associated with intravascular volume depletion
• dehydration
• cerebrospinal fluid leak, recent cranial surgery or trauma.
S9 VPAP Tx adverse effects
Patients should report unusual chest pain, severe headache or increased breathlessness to the clinician.
An acute upper respiratory tract infection may require temporary discontinuation of treatment. The
following side-effects may arise during the course of therapy with the device:
• drying of the nose, mouth or throat
• nosebleed
• bloating
• ear or sinus discomfort
• eye irritation
• skin rashes.