Section 8: Warnings related to treatment
Warnings related to treatment
Comfort™ bi-level system is designed to help you have a good
night’s sleep. However, you need to be aware of possible problems that may arise
during the course of your treatment. If you have concerns about any of these
problems consult your physician immediately.
• You may experience sneezing, a runny nose or nasal obstruction, especially
during the first few weeks of using your Comfort. This may need treatment
such as a nasal spray. Consult your physician for advice.
• If you experience any of the following symptoms during the course of your
treatment, consult your physician immediately.
- Headache
- Middle ear or sinus discomfort
- Chest pain
- Feeling slightly bloated. This is usually the result of excessive
swallowing of air in response to the pressure sensation from your
Comfort while you are awake. Using the delay timer may help but
contact your physician if symptoms persist.
- Dryness of the nose, mouth or throat. The use of a humidifier may
help. Contact your physician or equipment supplier for advice on the
range of humidifiers available and whether these are suitable for you.
- Air continually leaking out of the mouth while sleeping.
• Do not stop your treatment without the approval of your physician. Always
consult your physician if you expect to be in a situation where you cannot
use your Comfort for more than a few days.
• If any of the symptoms of sleep apnea recur during the course of your treat-
ment, consult your physician.
• If you are admitted to hospital or are prescribed any other form of medical
treatment, always inform the medical staff that you are receiving nasal bi-
level treatment. Make sure that your physician who is treating you for sleep
apnea is contacted.
• Skin irritation may occur from sensitivity to the material in the mask or from
too much tension in the headgear straps. A correctly fitted mask and optimum
tension in the straps will often prevent skin irritation. If problems persist,
contact your equipment supplier or physician for advice.
• If you experience an infection of the upper respiratory tract, middle ear or
sinus, you should consult your physician before continuing your treatment.
You may be advised to stop treatment until the infection has cleared. If you
continue with treatment during an infection, it is advisable to wash your
mask and tubing more often.