Unloading a Rifle With a Hinged Floor Plate (cont’d)
At this stage of the unloading process, your rifle still has a live round in the chamber which may be fired even though the magazine has been
unloaded. Never assume your rifle cannot fire simply because the magazine is empty.
5. The magazine spring and follower will be released from the magazine allowing the cartridges to empty out
from the magazine into your hand.
(See Picture 18)
6. With the bolt open (fully to the rear), look into the chamber and magazine well to make sure all cartridges
have been unloaded from the rifle.
7. Reposition the magazine follower and magazine spring back into the magazine well. Close the hinged
magazine cover making sure it latches securely into place.
8. With the bolt open (fully to the rear), visually recheck the chamber and magazine well to make sure the
rifle is completely unloaded.
Unloading a Rifle With a Detachable Box Magazine
1. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and your fingers away from the trigger throughout the unloa-
ding process.
2. Make sure the safety is engaged in the “safe” position.
Depress the magazine latch in front of the trigger guard, allowing the magazine to be pulled out of the bot-
tom of the receiver
Picture 19)
Picture 18
Picture 17