SECTION C: Installation
system operation by means of three push buttons (Item,
▲,▼). Item advances the display, while ▲,▼are used
in the adjust menu.
Fig. 27: Modulating Temperature Control
User Interface
All items displayed by the control are organized into
two menus, the view menu and the adjust menu. The
active menu is displayed in the upper right hand side of
the display in the menu field. The default menu is the
view menu.
When the modulating temperature control is powered
up, the control turns on all segments in the display for
2 seconds, then the software version is displayed for 2
seconds. At the end of that 4 second period, the control
enters the normal operating mode and “VIEW” is dis-
played. Pressing the scroll button “scrolls” through the
displayed values in the “VIEW” menu.
Fig. 28: Modulating Temperature Control Display
Item Modes
Boiler Water Heater
4, 5
140 ºF
180 ºF
160 ºF
OFF, 70 – 220 ºF
OFF, 70 – 200 ºF
OFF, 70 – 220 ºF
BOIL MAX 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
200 ºF
180 ºF
120 – 225 ºF, OFF
120 – 200 ºF, OFF
BOIL MIN 1 - 5 135 ºF 135 ºF OFF, 80 – 180 ºF
‘BURNER’ DELAY 1 - 5 1:30 1:30 0:00 to 3:00 Min.
BOIL MASS 1 - 5 1 1 1 (Low), 2 (Med), 3 (High)
DIFF 1 - 5 10 ºF 10 ºF 2 – 42 ºF
TANK TARGET 3 --- 120 ºF OFF, 70 – 190 ºF
TANK DIFF 3 --- 5 ºF 2 – 10 ºF
PUMP DLY All 3:00 3:00 OFF, 0:20 to 9:55 Min., ON
OUTDR START 4, 5 70 ºF --- 35 – 85 ºF
OUTDR DSGN 4, 5 -10 ºF --- -40 – 32 ºF
BOIL START 4, 5 135 ºF --- 35 – 150 ºF
BOIL DSGN 4, 5 180 ºF --- 70 – 220 ºF
WWSD 4, 5 70 ºF --- 35 – 100 ºF, OFF
UNITS All ºF ºF ºF or ºC
MODE --- 2 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Table N: Modulating Temperature Control Default Setpoints