Get to know your handheld — Description of keys
Installation and User’s Guide
Scroll through accented characters
• When composing a message or entering text,
press and hold a letter key while rolling the
trackwheel to scroll through international
characters/characters with accents. When
the desired character appears, release the
letter key.
ALT key
ALT characters
The orange ALT key activates the numeric and
symbol characters, printed in orange above the
alphabetic keys.
• Press the ALT key once to affect the next
character you type.
• Press and hold the ALT key while you type to
affect all characters.
• Press the ALT key three times to activate
An ‘A’ icon appears in the top right corner of
your screen when the ALT key is active.
Horizontal scroll and changing options
• Hold the ALT key while you roll the
trackwheel to move the cursor horizontally
across screen lines.
• Hold the ALT key while you roll the
trackwheel to scroll through field options.
Key Function