4 – Interactive Mode Commands
Host Level Info & Operations Menu
4-10 SN0054621-00 E
Import HBA Configuration
(CLI Option -import)
To import a single HBA configuration:
1. From the HBA Import Menu, type the number for the Import option, and
then press ENTER.
SANsurfer iSCSI HBA CLI prompts you to enter a file name containing the
HBA configuration.
2. Type the path and file name of the saved HBA configuration you want to
import, and then press ENTER.
SANsurfer iSCSI HBA CLI reads the file, shows the HBAs whose
configurations are in the file, and prompts you to select one to import.
3. Type the number of the HBA whose configuration you want to import, and
then press ENTER.
The following appears:
You will now specify the target HBA to import the
configuration to.
Please select a method for identifying the destination
1) Import to ALL ports.
2) Import to a list of ports (comma delimited).
3) Import to the currently selected port.
Please select an option:
4. Select a configuration import option, and then press ENTER.
You are now ready to choose which parameter sets to import.
Please respond yes (y) or no (n) to each parameter set.
5. Select from the following parameter sets to import:
HBA Level Settings
Network Settings
iSCSI Name
Firmware Settings
CHAP Table
Target Settings (required if you Boot Settings is needed)
Boot Settings