4 – Installation
iSR6142 Router Installation
4-10 SN0051102-00 A
Configure the Router
You can configure the router using the SANsurfer Router Manager application or
the command line interface (CLI).
The SANsurfer Router Manager provides a Configuration Wizard you can use to
configure the GE ports. If either of the router’s GE ports have not been configured
(IP address is, the Configuration Wizard starts automatically when the
SANsurfer Router Manager first connects with the router. The system uses the
information collected in Tab le 4 -2.
To configure the router using the command line interface:
1. Open a command window according to the type of workstation and
Ethernet (all platforms) – Open a telnet session with the default router
IP address and log in to the router with the default account name and
password (guest/password).
username – guest
password – ********
Serial – On Windows, open the HyperTerminal application. The next
few steps may vary according to the version of Windows you use.
a. From the Windows Start menu, select
b. Select the connection you created earlier and click OK.
Serial – On Linux, open a command window and enter the following
2. Open an Admin session and enter the commands to set up both iSCSI ports
and the management interface. See the iSR6142 Router CLI User's Guide
for command descriptions.
QRouter #> admin start
Password – ******
QRouter (admin) #> set mgmt
QRouter (admin) #> set iscsi 1
QRouter (admin) #> set iscsi 2