C – Log Messages
Error Log Messages
C-10 FI0154601-00 C
Fibre Channel Driver
The following error log messages are common to both Fibre Channel ports, 1
(FC1) and 2 (FC2). They are listed in Tabl e C- 6 and described in this section. Log
messages beginning with #0 denote fibre channel port 1 (FC1) and log messages
beginning with #1 denote fibre channel port 2 (FC2).
262 The iSCSI processor failed firmware initialization.
328 The iSCSI processor failed the internal loopback test.
329 The iSCSI processor failed the external loopback test.
513 The iSCSI processor could not connect with the iSCSI name server (iSNS).
849 The iSCSI processor reported that the iSCSI port NVRAM contains invalid
data (checksum error).
859 The iSCSI processor reported a link down condition.
928 The driver failed to receive a heartbeat from the iSCSI processor for the
specified number of seconds.
933 The driver timed out an iSCSI processor operation and is aborting the oper-
935 The driver timed out an iSCSI processor mailbox command.
937 The driver timed out while attempting to reconnect with the iSNS.
1056 The driver’s initiator database is full. The driver is capable of storing
1024 iSCSI initiators in its database. Use the CLI or GUI to remove
unwanted/unused iSCSI initiators.
1072 The driver’s target database is full. Use the CLI or GUI to remove
unwanted/unused iSCSI targets.
Table C-6. Fibre Channel Driver—Error Log Messages
ID Log Messages No.
106583 #%d: QLUtmReceiveIo: Path invalid/FW No resource count %x 87
106589 #%d: QLIoctlEnable: Adapter disabled 93
106590 #%d: QLIoctlEnable: Initialize FW error 94
106592 #%d: QLIoctlRunDiag: Diagnostic loopback command failed %x
106593 #%d: QLIoctlDisable: Re-initialize adapter failed 97
106803 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: Link down (%x) 307