B – Command Line Interface
Show Command
59021-05 B B-51
The following is an example of the Show Switch command:
SANbox2 #> show switch
Switch Information
SymbolicName SANbox2-203
SwitchWWN 10:00:00:c0:dd:00:b8:b5
SwitchType SANbox2-16
PromVersion V0.1-5-18 (day month date time year)
CreditPool 0
DomainID 3
FirstPortAddress 640000
FlashSize - MBytes 128
LogLevel Info
MaxPorts 16
NumberOfResets 127
ReasonForLastReset NormalReset
SWImageVersion (1) - build date V1.5-6-16 (day month date time year)
SWImageVersion (2) - build date V1.5-6-18 (day month date time year)
ActiveConfiguration default
ActiveSWImage 2
AdminState Online
AdminModeActive False
BeaconOnStatus False
OperationalState Online
PrincipalSwitchRole False
BoardTemp (1) - Degrees Celsius 32
BoardTemp (2) - Degrees Celsius 36
SwitchDiagnosticsStatus Passed
SwitchTemperatureStatus Normal
The following is an example of the Show Topology command:
SANbox2 #> show topology
Unique ID Key
A = ALPA, D = Domain ID, P = Port ID
Port Local Local Remote Remote Unique
Number Type PortWWN Type NodeWWN ID
------ ----- ------- ------ ------- ------
5 F 20:05:00:c0:dd:00:bd:ec N 20:00:00:00:c9:22:1e:93 010500 P
10 E 20:0a:00:c0:dd:00:bd:ec E 10:00:00:c0:dd:00:80:21 4(0x4) D