NE0154601-00 B Index-3
QLogic 3000 and 3100 Series Intelligent Ethernet Adapters Users Guide
Version 4.7
see also Driver installation, Driver
installation verification
hardware 3-1
hardware verification of 3-2
Linux driver 3-4
Windows Server 2003 NIC driver 3-3, 5-2
Windows Server 2008 NIC driver 3-3, 6-2
Windows Server 2008 Teaming driver 6-6
--interface A-1, B-4, B-8
--IntLB A-1
ipconfig 11-3
iperf 8-9, Glossary-1
--IRQS A-1
iSCSI Glossary-1
iSCSI boot 1-2
-L A-1
-l A-1, B-8
lacp_rate parameter 9-5
--LED A-1
LEDs 4-2, 4-5, Glossary-1
--LinkST A-1
bonding mode 9-1
driver installation 3-4
driver installation in RPM format 8-5
driver options 8-6
driver source code, building 8-2
Flash update B-8, B-10
MSI-X interrupts for 11-4
performance tuning 8-9
PXE 1-2
system errors, checking for 11-4
troubleshooting tools 11-3
VLAN, configuring under 9-7
--list B-8
Modes, active-backup 9-2
Modes, round-robin 9-3
modprobe command optional parameters 8-7
Module information, Linux 8-2
MSI Glossary-1
MSI-X Glossary-1
interrupts 11-4
support 8-3
Network traffic not being sent/received using
the QLogic adapter 11-1
netxen_nic.ko 8-4, Glossary-1
-nF A-2
-nH A-2
-nI A-2
-nL A-2
-nl A-2
--noCRegs A-2
--noFLASH A-2
--noHw A-2
--noIntLB A-2
--noIRQS A-2
--noLED A-2
--noLinkST A-2
-nR A-2
-nS A-2
ntttcp 7-13, 7-14
ntttcpr command line options 7-15
ntttcps command line options 7-15
NX Live
CD B-2
menu B-3
nx_nic 8-4, Glossary-1
nx3fwct.bin 5-1, 6-1, 8-1
nx3fwmn.bin 5-1, 6-1, 8-1
nxdebug1 11-3
nxdebug2 11-3