
C-10 Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows CE 5.0) User Manual
Appendix C: SCU For 802.11b/g Radio
Global Tab
Release/Renew: Obtains a new IP address through DHCP and logs all activity in the
output area.
Start Ping: Starts a continuous ping to the address in the text box next to this button.
This is a toggle button so when you tap on it, it changes to Stop Ping. Closing this
window or tapping on another button also stops the ping.
Diagnostics: Attempts to connect or reconnect to an AP, and provides a more detailed
dump of data than if you used (Re)connect. The dump includes the radio state, profile
settings, global settings and BSSID list of APs. The SCU is saved to a file called
_sdc_diag.txt in the Windows directory.
C.1.5 Global Tab