This item selects whether Form Feeds (FF) will be performed when
received from the host computer if the paper is already positioned at the top
of form (TOF). Setting this item to No will help prevent blank pages.
Possible Values: Control*, Printable
This item selects whether certain control character symbols will be printed
or be treated as control characters. The effect of this is dependent upon the
Emulation selected.
Minimum Buffer
Minimum Buffer
Possible Values: No*, Yes
This item selects whether the smallest possible I/O buffer should be used.
Setting this item to No will allow the printer to make maximum use of the
I/O buffer (see “Paper Out Fault” on page 61 for more information on
buffer size). Setting this to Yes may decrease performance, but is useful
when using the printer with operating systems that try to keep track of
which page is currently being printed by the printer. This may also be useful
when using serial I/O with systems that do not respond quickly enough to
handshake signals.
Baud Rate
Baud Rate
Possible Values: 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600*
This item selects the baud rate for the serial interface. This must be set to
match the baud rate setting on the host computer.
Data Bits