
220 PI-MAX
4 System Manual Issue 4
3. Click on the Trigger expander and select the desired Trigger Response:
Readout Per Trigg;
Shift Per Trigger.
See Figure 14-15.
Figure 14-15:Configuring Trigger Response
14.2.7 Cleaning the CCD
Since kinetics is most often used in asynchronous, single-shot experiments, it is important
that CCD be cleared of accumulating background or dark charge while it is waiting for an
external trigger. To take care of this, PI-MAX4: EM automatically cleans the CCD “one row
at a time” before the arrival of the first trigger. This keeps the charge buildup on the CCD to
a minimum at the same time minimizing the timing jitter (determined by vertical shift time
of a single row.) If desired, the number of cleans can be set to zero for the lowest jitter
performance. However, dark current build-up may be significant depending upon the time
between experiments.