Home Bakery
Use your loaf!
Use your loaf!Use your loaf!
Use your loaf!
Please read the instructions
Please read the instructionsPlease read the instructions
Please read the instructions
Your Prima Home Bakery is the result of Prima’s many years of
experience with bread making machines. Whether you have
never made bread before or if you have made your own bread
for years, the information in this booklet is essential if you are
to obtain the best from your machine.
There are a number of key differences between manual bread
making and machine bread making. It is best to approach the
subject without any pre-conceived ideas or expectations.
This book has been designed to ensure that you get
outstanding results right from the first loaf you make. There
are a number of recipes included, which use all the various
programmes and functions of the machine. These recipes have
been designed to give you an instinctive feel for the machine.
This will create a pattern of success that will eventually lead to
your adapting or creating your own recipes. Indeed, you will
probably find that most other recipes are variations of those
found within this book.