Configuration Files
A - 65
Presence <pres/>
The parameter
is the line number used to send SUBSCRIBE. If this
parameter is missing, the phone will use the primary line to send SUBSCRIBE.
dir.corp.backGroundSync.period 60 to 65535,
300 The corporate directory cache is
refreshed after the corporate
directory feature has not been used
for this period of time.
dir.corp.viewPersistence 0, 1 0 If set to 0 or Null, the browse
position in the data on the LDAP
server and the attribute filters are
reset for subsequent usage of the
corporate directory.
If set to 1, the browse position in the
data and the attribute filters are
retained for subsequent usage of
the corporate directory.
dir.corp.leg.viewPersistence 0, 1 1 This parameter is the same as
Note: For SoundPoint IP 301, 501,
600, and 601 legacy phones, use
“leg” tagged parameter. This
prevents slow behaviour after
exiting from the corporate directory.
Values Default Interpretation
Values Default Interpretation
pres.reg positive
1 Specifies the line/registration
number used to send SUBSCRIBE
for presence. Must be a valid
line/registration number. If the
number is not a valid
line/registration number, it is
pres.idleSoftkeys 0, 1 Null If set to Null or 0, the presence idle
soft keys (MyStat and Buddies) do
not appear.
If set to Null or 1, the presence idle
soft keys appear.