Configuration Files
A - 95
Emergency <emergency/>
In the following attributes, y is the index of the emergency entry description
and z is the index of the server associated with the emergency entry y. For each
emergency entry (index y), one or more server entry (indexes (y,z)) can be
configured. y and z must both follow single step increasing numbering starting
at 1.
This configuration attribute is defined as follows:
Messaging <msg/>
Message-waiting indication is supported on a per-registration basis.
This configuration attribute is defined as follows:
This attribute also includes:
• Message Waiting Indicator <mwi/>
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
Comma separated list of
entries or single entry
representing a or a
combination of SIP URL.
“15,17,18”, “911”,
This represents the URLs
that should be watched for
emergency routing.
When one of these defined
URL is detected as being
dialed by the user, the call
will be automatically directed
to the defined emergency
positive integer Null Index representing the
server defined in Server
<server/> on page A-94 that
will be used for emergency
Default Interpretation
msg.bypassInstantMessage 0, 1 0 If set to 1, the display offering a choice of
“Message Center” and “Instant Messages” will
be bypassed when pressing the Messages key.
The phone will act as if “Message Center” was
chosen. Refer to Voice Mail Integration on
page 4-30. Instant Messages will still be
accessible from the Main Menu.