Configuration Files
A - 59
When the volatile storage option is enabled, ensure that a properly configured
boot server that allows uploads is available to store a back-up copy of the
directory or its contents will be lost when the phone reboots or loses power.
Values Default Interpretation
dir.local.volatile.2meg 0, 1 0 Attribute applies to platforms with 2
Mbytes of flash memory.
If set to 1, use volatile storage for
phone-resident copy of the directory
to allow for larger size.
dir.local.nonVolatile.maxSize.2meg 1 to 20 20 Attribute applies to platforms with 2
Mbytes of flash memory. Maximum
size in Kbytes of non-volatile
storage that the directory will be
permitted to consume.
dir.local.volatile.4meg 0, 1 0 Applies to platforms with 4 Mbytes
of flash memory.
If set to 1, use volatile storage for
phone-resident copy of the directory
to allow for larger size.
dir.local.nonVolatile.maxSize.4meg 1 to 50 50 Applies to platforms with 4 Mbytes
of flash memory. Maximum size in
Kbytes of non-volatile storage that
the directory will be permitted to
dir.local.volatile.maxSize 1 to 100 100 Maximum size in Kbytes of volatile
storage that the directory will be
permitted to consume.
Note: For the SoundPoint IP 650
platform, this value is internally
replaced by 2X the value.
dir.local.volatile.8meg 0, 1 0 Attribute applies only to platforms
with 8 Mbytes of flash memory.
If set to 1, use volatile storage for
phone-resident copy of the directory
to allow for larger size.