
Chapter 8 - MGC-25 Management Tools
The following columns appear in the Faults report:
Table 8-6: Faults Columns
Field Description
Time Lists the date and time that the fault occurred.
This column also includes the icon indicating the
fault Level. The Levels and their icons are detailed in
Level field.
Category Lists the type of fault. The following categories may
be listed:
File - the fault is caused when a problem is
detected in one of the files stored on the MCU's
hard disk.
Reservation - indicates that conferences that
were reserved in the system when the system
was shut down were not recovered when the
system restarted.
Card - indicates problems with a card.
Exception - indicates errors reported by the
computer (PC).
Category (cont.)
General - indicates general faults.
Assert - indicates internal software errors that
are reported by the software program.
Startup - indicates errors that occurred during
system startup.
Level Indicates the severity of the problem. There are
three fault indicators:
Major Error
Minor Error
MCU Startup indicator
System Message
The icon of the fault Level appears in the Time