SpectraLink 8002 Wireless Telephone Configuration
PN: 1725-36034-001_C.doc 23
Example: if the 2 key is repeatedly pressed, the handset will
2, A, B, and C, then a, b, and c.
The following table shows which key will allow you to enter non-
numeric characters or other characters not represented on the keypad.
To Enter Press
. - _ ! # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , : ; / \ = @ ~ 1
Space 0
Q,q 7
Z,z 9
2. When the correct entry displays, press the right arrow key (#) to
move on to the next character. Repeat for each digit/letter of the
entry. To erase, press the left arrow key (
*) or Bksp softkey to erase
the previous character.
3. Press the
Save softkey to save the entry.
Press the
Up softkey to abort and return to the menu without
saving any changes.
The following table lists the Admin menu items. The default settings
are shown in the table below with an * prior to the option. Detailed
descriptions of each item appear below the table.