Polycom, Inc. 1
System Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the Polycom
Converged Management
Application™ (CMA™) system and includes these topics:
• Scheduling Overview
• Log Into the Polycom CMA System
• General Scheduling Information
— Scheduling Participants and Endpoints
— Bridge Selection and Cascading
— Bridge Scheduling and Reassignment
• Field Input Requirements
— Field Input Requirements
— Filter and Search a List
• Change Password
• Log Out of the Polycom CMA System
Scheduling Overview
The Polycom CMA system allows users with basic of advanced Scheduler
Permissions to schedule conferences from their desktops.
Using the simple Polycom CMA system Web Scheduler interface, schedulers
can create one-time or recurring conferences in a manner similar to their
favorite calendar application. Or schedulers with the Microsoft Outlook® or
IBM® Lotus Notes® can use the Polycom Scheduling Plugins to schedule