16 Guide to better pictures
Blurry picture Cause
When subject is not cen-
tered in the picture, the
sound waves pass by the
subject and measure the
distance to the back-
ground. This causes the
subject to be unsharp
because the lens focuses
on the background.
• Object in foreground pre-
vented sound waves from
measuring correctly. Lens
focuses on object, causing
unclear and possibly dark
• When picture is taken in
low light (dusk, shade, etc.)
shutter can stay open for as
long as 2.8 seconds. Cam-
era movement can cause
the picture to be blurry.
Center the subject in the
picture. Or, if you want to
keep your subject off cen-
ter, frame your subject in
the middle of the view-
finder. Press and hold the
shutter button halfway to
lock in the correct lens set-
ting. Then reframe your
subject off center and press
the shutter button the rest
of the way.
• The sound waves travel to
the central part of the
scene. Be sure there are no
objects in front of your
• Hold the camera steady as
you take the picture, or
place the camera on a firm