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IP200 Manual
Visitor: See gure 2.7 details of usage at this level.
Operator: You can control the direction of the IP Camera and set parameters.
Administrator: You can set up advanced congurations of the IP Camera.
(See 3.1.22)
Figure 8.5
3.12 PT Settings
Figure 8.6
1. Go center on boot. Automatically rotates camera at start.
2. PT (Pan/Tilt) Speed. Set Pan/Tilt Speed.
3. Upward patrol speed. Set cruising speed upward
4. Downward patrol speed. Set cruising speed downward.
5. Left patrol speed. Set cruising speed to left.
6. Rightward patrol speed. Set cruising to right.
NOTE: Value 0 is fastest speed. Value 10 is slowest. Recommended speed is 5.
3.9 Alias Settings
Figure 8.2
You may assign your camera (or cameras) any name(s) you choose by entering
in the Alias box.
3.10 Date & Time Settings
Figure 8.3
Figure 8.4
Set time and date for your camera. Make sure you’re put in the Clock Time Zone
for your country. You can choose to Sync with NTP Server (g. 8.3) or Sync with
PC Time (gure 8.4)
3.11 User Settings
You can have up to eight users on the Polaroid IP camera system. You can set up
users names, passwords. The users can be listed as Visitors, Administrators, or
Operators. Each is assigned a level of authority and permission to have access
to the system with different levels of access. For example:
Polaroid • Settings Polaroid • Settings