Electrical Instructions
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5.2 Externaldegaussing Remove ferromagneticmeasuring
equipment, Irontablet, etc.,in the neighbourhoodof the
apparatus withinhalf ameter. Position theset inE-W
direction and degauss wellvia externaldegaussing coil.
Slowly increasethe distancebetween the picturetube and
Degaussing coil,keeping the coil inparallel with the
Screen of CRT.When thedistance is morethan 2m,turn
of fThe degaussingcurrent.
5.3 Adjustmentmode: 68.7KHz/85Hz withcorrectly adjusted
video size306x230mm. Usecolor-analyzer
(Minolta CA-100)to adjustcut-off andwhite balance.
Before alignment,set initialdata as item5.1 and
brightness setto 50%.
Setup A:100x100mm whiteblock , 0.7Vppinput video
signal, contrastat 0%,9300 mode CalibrateCA100, Low
9300 RGB=100 x=0.283, y=0.297,Y=0.10FL 0.05FL
Setup B:100x100mm whiteblock , 0.7Vppinput video
signal, contrastat 100%,9300 mode Calibrate Ca100,
High 9300RGB=100 x=0.283,y=0.297, Y=41FL 1FL
Setup C:100x100mm whiteblock , 0.7Vppinput video
signal, contrastat 0%,6500 mode CalibrateCA100, Low
6500 RGB=100 x=0.313, y=0.329,Y=0.10FL 0.05FL
Setup D:100x100cm whiteblock , 0.7Vppinput videosignal,
contrast at100%, 6500mode CalibrateCA100, High6500
RGB=100 x=0.313, y=0.329, Y=36FL 1FL
Setup E:100x100mm whiteblock , 0.7Vppinput videosignal,
contrast at0%, sRGBmode CalibrateCA100, LowsRGB
RGB=100 x=0.313, y=0.329, Y=0.10FL 0.05FL
Setup F:100x100cm whiteblock , 0.7Vppinput videosignal,
contrast at100%, sRGBmode CalibrateCA100, High
sRGB RGB=100 x=0.313, y=0.329,Y=36FL 1FL
Setup G:Full white(306x230mm), 0.7Vpp inputvideo signal,
contrast at100% ,9300 mode Calibrate CA100, High9300
RGB=100 x=0.313, y=0.329, Y=30FL 1FL
5.3.1 Setup A,manually rotate Vg2pot-meter onLOT until
brightness reaches100 scale.
5.3.2 Setup A,adjust RGB cut-off (I C)for all colorsat 100 7
scale, 9300mode. (x=0.283,y=0.297, Y=0.10 0.05FL)
5.3.3 Setup B,adjust RGB gain(I C)for allcolors at 100 2 scale,
9300 mode.(x=0.283, y=0.297,Y=41 0.5FL)
5.3.4 Repeat 5.3.2,5.3.3 (RGB cut-off andgain) toget bothlow
and high9300 scalesat 100. (0.10FL 0.05FLfor low
scale; 41FL 1FLfor highscale. x/ytolerance 0.005)
5.3.5 Setup C,adjust RGB cut-off (I C)for all colorsat 100 7
scale, 6500mode.(x=0.313, y=0.329, Y=0.10FL 0.05FL)
5.3.6 Setup D,adjust RGB gain(I C)for allcolors at 100 2
scale, 6500mode. (X=0.313,y=0.329, Y=36FL 1FL)
White alignmentmeasurement equipmentset-ups:
Adjustment procedure:
5.3.7 Repeat 5.3.5, 5.3.6 (RGBcut-off andgain) to getboth low
and high6500 scalesat 100. (0.10FL 0.05FLfor low scale;
36FL 1FLfor highscale. x/ytolerance 0.005)
4.3.8 Setup E,adjust RGB cut-off (I C)for all colorsat 100 7
scale, sRGBmode.
(x=0.313, y=0.329,Y=0.10FL 0.05FL)(same valuesas
6500 mode)
4.3.9 Setup F,adjust RGBgain (I C) for allcolors at100 2scale,
sRGB mode.
(x=0.313, y=0.329,Y=36FL 1FL)(same values as6500
5.3.10 sRGB brightnessat 50%. AdjustsRGB contrast(I C)to get
Y=23FL 1FLfor fullwhite pattern.
(0.10FL 0.05FLfor lowscale, 23FL 1FLfor high scale.
x/y tolerance0.005)
5.4 SetupG, adjust ABL(I C) for 30FL 0.5FL,9300 mode.
The abovealignment methodmay be changed,as longas
the finalresults arethe same.
(The abovemethod hasleast amount ofadjustment and
iteration steps.)
6.1 Alignmentof primary geometry
6. Adjustment ofthe picture geometry
6.1.1 Apply Timing7 (64KHz/60Hz, 1280x1024)with blackvideo
signal, set V-positionat 50%, set H andV-sizefor visible
raster edgesat allsides.
(RGB cut-off can beincreased temporarilyto make raster
visible. Afteradjustment, restoreRGB cut-offto original
values.) Slideswitch 1603 forcentered rasterin horizontal
Direction. AdjustV-offset(I C)for centered rasterin
vertical direction.
Apply Timing8 (68.7kHz/ 85Hz) withcrosshatch signaland
start geometryalignment.
6.1.2 Adjust theHorizontal Size to306mm.
6.1.3 Adjust theHorizontal Position forcentered video.
6.1.4 Adjust theVerticalSize to230 mm.
6.1.5 Adjust VerticalPosition forcentered video
6.1.6 Adjust picturetilt for correctTOP/BOTTOMlines.
(Picture tubeshould bemounted without tiltw.r.t.cabinet)
6.1.7 Adjust pincushionto get optimumvertical line.
6.1.8 Adjust trapezoidto get optimumvertical line.
6.1.9 Adjust balancedpincushion to getoptimum verticalline.
6.1.10 Adjust theparallelogram to getoptimum verticalline.
6.1.11 If needed, adjustthe top/ bottomcorner control toget
optimum cornergeometry.
Top andbottom corneronly affecttop andbottom 60mm of
the verticallines.
(6.1.7, 6.1.8,6.1.9 and6.1.10 may needto bereadjusted.)
6.1.12 Store theadjusted resultand exitOSD.
(The valuesfor pincushion,trapezoid, balance pincushion
and parallelogramcan becopied to theother pre-set
modes toshorten alignmenttime.)
6.2 Otherpre-set mode geometryadjustment
Use followingprocedure forall pre-set modes(except
68.7kHz/85Hz) (TimingTable1-8)
6.2.1 Adjust theHorizontal Size to306mm.
6.2.2 Adjust theHorizontal Position tocenter position.
6.2.3 Adjust theVerticalSize to230 mm.
6.2.4 Adjust theVerticalPosition forcorrectly centred vertical
6.2.5 Adjust pincushionto get optimumvertical line.
6.2.6 Adjust trapezoidto get optimumvertical line.
6.2.7 Adjust balancedpincushion to getoptimum verticalline.
6.2.8 Adjust theparallelogram to getoptimum verticalline.
(6.2.5, 6.2.6,6.2.7 and6.2.8 may needsome iteration.)
6.2.9 Store theset result andexit OSD.
6.3 Other pre-loadmodes can bevisible insidethe bezel.
With fullwhite patterndisplay at timing68Khz /85Hz
1024x768, setbrightness at50% and adjustcontrast to25
FLat thecenter ofthe screen.
and adjustH andV focus pot-meterswhich arelocated at
flyback transformer, until H-and V-line focus isoptimal over
the entirescreen.
Apply fullwhite patternand adjust contrasttill luminance
around 15FL.1/3 areawith minormoiré canbe acceptable.
If needed,use moircancellation function andadjust the
H- moir or V-moir tocancel themoiré defect,then save
at factory.
The DDCHEX data(refer to sheet-190)should bewritten
into theDDC byEEPROM writeror equivalentmethod.
The finishedproduct shouldhave the followingdefault
Settings: Contrast:100%, Brightness:50%, Color: 9300,
Language: English(Chinese),
Power Save:On (Remark: Every modeis independentfor
eset tofactory setting.))
* Accordingto VESAversion 1.0release 0.6p
7 Focus adjustment
8 Adjustment of Moir
9 Loading DDC code
10 Defaultsettings