Wireless Notebook Adapter
11a/b/g True Turbo
Specifications Product highlights
• Data transfer speed: 54Mbps and 108 Mbps True
• Plug & Play
• Interface: Cardbus PCMCIA
• Wireless adapter for: 802.11a/b/g
• WLAN security support: WEP, WPA, WPA2
• Wireless connections: Wireless LAN(802.11b/g)
• Frequency range: Operates on 2.4 GHz and 5
System Requirements
•CD-ROM drive
• PC OS: Windows 2000, XP
• CD-ROM: Installation CD-ROM
• Quick start guide
• User Manual: yes, on CD-ROM
Technical specifications
• Complies with: Wi-Fi Certified
Issue date 2008-01-02
Version: 5.0.6
12 NC: 9082 100 04536
EAN: 87 10895 88598 0
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Set-up wizard guides you
The setup wizard provides a step by step guide that helps
you with the installation of your Philips Wireless Base
Station. After installation your home network is ready to
connect to all other Wi-Fi equipment in the house.
Internet and phone support
You can check out the Internet or call in for support for
any questions you have regarding the product. Local
languages are supported both on Internet and phone
services. The Philips Internet support site has a forum
where you can find additional information and the
answers to most asked questions.
Set-up options basic-advanced
The Philips Wireless Base Station shows in the web based
interface the option basic or advanced. With choosing
one of the selections you will be automatically guided
through the settings of the base station. The program will
give you quick installation and connection. Advanced
installation will guide you through multiple settings such
as Wireless, Firewall, parental control etc..
High level security protection
Wireless security provided by Wi-Fi. In some instances,
WAP, WEP or Tkip may be all you need to protect
wireless data. WEP is available in 40-bit (also called 64-
bit), or in 108-bit (also called 128-bit) encryption modes.
As 108-bit encryption provides a longer algorithm that
takes longer to decode, it can provide better security than
basic 40-bit (64-bit) encryption.
Advanced firewall protection
A firewall is a program that runs constantly in the
background of the Philips Wireless Base Station. The
firewall protects your network from Internet attacks.
Setting as FTP, DMZ and many more can be set via the
easy setup wizard
Parental control options
The Philips Wireless Base Station employs the basic
parental control features of URL blocking, Domain
blocking, and IP address blocking. It can be effectively
employed quickly through the intuitive web-based
configuration interface of the Philips Wireless Base
Station. Multiple filter features are supported when
accessing the Internet, based on a site's domain name,
URL, and/or IP address.
Internet anywhere in the house
The Philips Wireless Base Station can be connected to the
broadband Internet and gives your PC and other clients
wired or wireless access to services such as sharing files,
streaming files, music, video or pictures.
Wireless brings flexibility
Wireless gives you the ability to install PCs or clients in the
house wherever you want. Laptop users can even sit in
the garden and be on-line with the office, Internet or
home network.
Connects to any Wi-Fi device
Wi-Fi certification ensures that you can communicate
with all other Wi-Fi products. The Wi-Fi committee exists
of Philips, Microsoft, IBM, Dell en some others that set
industrial standards.