
Repair kit
CD and DVD With fluid
Specifications Product highlights
Technical specifications
Contents: Repair Fluid, 35ml
Lifetime: 100x
Storage Media
Supported formats: 8cm discs, CD-Audio, CD-
Rewritable, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD/R,
DVD/RW, Photo CD, Laser disc
User Manual: 3 languages
Packaging Data
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 6 09585 12952 8
Quantity: 1
Gross weight: .14 kg
Tare weight: .04 kg
Net weight: .10 kg
Width: 158 mm
Height: 243 mm
Length: 35 mm
Outer Carton
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 2 06 09585 12952 2
Quantity: 72
Gross weight: 12.84 kg
Tare weight: 1.32 kg
Net weight: 11.52 kg
Length (cm): 48.9 cm
Height (cm): 54.5 cm
Width (cm): 36.2 cm
Inner Carton
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 1 06 09585 12952 5
Quantity: 6
Gross weight: .96 kg
Tare weight: .14 kg
Net weight: .82 kg
Width: 160 mm
Height: 260 mm
Length: 165 mm
Issue date 2008-08-30
Version: 4.0.7
12 NC: 8670 000 28709
UPC: 6 09585 12952 8
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Repair minor scratches
Specially formulated repair solution and repolishing cloth
quickly repairs minor scratches to your CDs, DVDs and
Includes 10 Wipes
Includes 10 cloth wipes.