Plusline (Double Ended)
MV Halogen without Reector
Plusline (Double Ended)
MV Halogen without Reector
Create a brighter
Typically used in shop lighting applicationsr
Indoor: homes, ofces, shops and museumsr
Outdoor: billboards, car parks, security lighting and r
construction sites
Excellent colour renderingr
Why choose?
20% more light than ordinary double-endedr
Long lifetimer
Bright halogen lightr
Excellent colour renderingr
Technical Features
Double-ended high-efcacy lampsr
Clear tubular UV block quartz bulbr
Constant light output during lifer
Must be used in luminaires with a front cover glasr
Dimensions in mm B C D
nom. max. max.
Plusline Small 114.2 12
Plusline Compact 12
Plusline Large 1000W 189.1 11
Plusline Large 1500W 254.1 11
Preferred selection
Product ID Voltage Wattage Cap/Base Luminous Average Colour Packaging Order Code
Lifetime Temperature
(V) (W) (Lm) (hrs) (K) 8711500
PlusLine Compact 230 60 3T 810 1500 2900 blisbox
PlusLine Compact 230 100 3T 1550 2000 2900 blisbox 05833126
PlusLine Compact 230 150 3T 2400 2000 2900 blisbox 05834826
PlusLine Compact 240 100 3T 1550 2000 2900 blisbox
PlusLine Compact 240 150 3T 2400 2000 2900 blisbox
PlusLine Small 230 200 3T 3000 2000 2900 blisbox
PlusLine Small 230 300 3T 5114 2000 2900 blisbox 49438226
PlusLine Small 230 500 3T 9660 2000 2900 blisbox 49439926
PlusLine Small 240 200 3T 3000 2000 2900 blisbox 05829426
PlusLine Small 240 300 3T 5114 2000 2900 blisbox
PlusLine Small 240 500 3T 9660 2000 2900 blisbox 05832426
PlusLine Small 120 500 3T 9500 2000 2900 blisbox 49463426
Plusline Large 230 1000 3T 21500 2000 2900 etui 49434425
Plusline Large 240 1000 3T 21500 2000 2900 etui
Plusline Large 240 1500 3T 32250 2000 2900 etui 05599625
Plusline Large 120 1000 3T 21500 2000 2900 etui 49485625