LCD monitor
42" multimedia HD Ready
Product highlights
Issue date 2007-08-28
Version: 1.0
12 NC: 8670 000 32235
UPC: 6 09585 13865 0
© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
WXGA 1366 x 768 resolution
The wide format of XGA resolution LCD panel is capable
of displaying 1366 x 768 pixels; WXGA allows monitors
to be non-interlaced to ensure a better display
performance and accurate color display effect.
HDMI input
HDMI makes an uncompressed digital RGB connection
from the source to the screen. By eliminating conversion
to an analog signal, it delivers an unblemished image. The
non-degraded signal reduces flicker and leads to a clearer
picture. HDMI intelligently communicates the highest
output resolution with the source device. The HDMI input
is fully backward compatible with DVI sources but
includes digital audio. HDMI uses HDCP copy protection.
Smart Control
In a networked setting you want to able to control the
start up conditions of all displays when reconnected to
power. Via RS232 commands Smart Control allows 3
different start up settings: Standby, Remember Last
Settings or Forced Power On. In case of Forced Power On
the display will start up with predefined fixed settings like
selected source input, brightness and volume levels.
Hidden and control buttons
The local control buttons of the display are placed in such
a way that they are less visible for immediate access.
Furthermore the remote control sensor as well as the
local control buttons can be disabled via RS232 to
prevent unauthorized control of the display when placed
in a public space.
SmartCard Xpress Slot
SmartCard Xpress is an expansion slot that lends
additional functionality to the display. Cards developed by
Philips and/or third parties are designed to streamline
connectivity with the display via the slot, eliminating the
need for external devices.
Network controllability: RS232
Network controllability allows user to control and adjust
monitors remotely through RS232 protocol.
The backlight intensity can be controlled and pre-set by
the system to reduce the power consumption by up to
50%, which saves substantially on energy costs.
Wireless SmartLoader
Provides the ability to copy all menu settings from one
display into other displays. The feature ensures uniformity
between the sets and significantly reduces installation
time. Operates fully wireless.
Compliant with RoHS standards
Philips designs and produces display products in
compliance with strict Restriction of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) standards that restrict lead and other
toxic substances that can harm the environment.