
Example {I,0,U,N p }
Uploads the printer configuration from nonvolatile RAM and
returns the following to the host.
A,0,0,0,0,0 p
B,1,1,0,0,0 p
C,0,0,0,0,768 p
D,1,0,2 p
E,"~123~044~034~124~125~126","","~013~010" p
F,1,1,0,0,1 p
M,R,2110,200,N,2560,220 p
M,R,N,20 p
M,T,N,10 p
M,I,N,1530 p
M,D,N,20 p
M,F,N,320 p
M,V,N,0 p }
The parameters for each packet (A-F & M) are displayed. In
the first line that begins with M, 2110 is the total volatile
memory available, 200 is the memory used in volatile RAM in
1/10K. 2560 is the total non-volatile memory available, 220 is
the memory left in non-volatile RAM in 1/10K.
The total volatile and non-volatile RAM varies with each printer.
In the second line that begins with M, 20 is the amount of
memory in 1/10K allocated for the Receive buffer in
Non-volatile RAM.
The remaining lines give the buffer sizes in 1/10K for the
Transmit, Image, Downloadable Fonts, Format, and Scalable
(Vector) Fonts Buffers.
Chapter 3. Configuring the Printer