5. Monitoring the DSL Router
5-4 November 2003 6300-A2-GB20-10
Reasons for Discarded Data
The router may discard frames or packets, shown when the show statistics
CLI command is entered. The following tables list the reasons why those frames
and packets were discarded:
Ethernet Interface (Ta bl e 5 -2 )
DSL Interface (Table 5-3)
IP Processing (Ta ble 5 -4 )
Bridge (Table 5-5)
See show statistics eth1 on page A-30 in Appendix A, Command Line
Interface, for additional information.
Table 5-2. Reasons for Ethernet Interface (eth1) Discarded Frames
Frame Length Greater than Max (exceeds maximum length allowed)
Receive Buffer Pool Depletion
Packet Processing Disabled
Unknown Protocol Error
Alignment Error
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Error
FIFO (First In, First Out) Overflow Error
Parity Error
Receiver Halted
Receiver Missed Frame
No Data for Frame Reported as Good
Bad Len (length) for Frame Reported as Good
Unknown Receive Interrupt Error
Srv (service) Domain Wrpr (wrapper) Tx Queue Overflows
Srv Domain Phy (physical) Tx Queue Overflows
Srv Domain Receive Queue Overflows
Excessive Collisions
Tx Underflow
Excessive Defers on Tx
Signal Quality Error on Tx
Tx Parity Error
Tx Halted