7. Operation and Maintenance
September 2002 9128-A2-GB20-80
The following performance statistics are collected for ESF line conditions.
Table 7-21. ESF Line Condition Performance Statistics
Statistic What It Indicates
Errored Seconds (ES) Any second with one or more ESF Error events.
Unavailable Seconds
Any second in which service is unavailable. Begins incrementing
at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds of severely errored
seconds (SES), and stops incrementing after 10 consecutive
seconds of no SESs.
Severely Errored
Seconds (SES)
Any second with 320 or more CRC errors or one or more Out Of
Frame (OOF) events.
Bursty Errored
Seconds (BES)
Any second with more than one, but less than 320 CRC errors.
Controlled Slip
Seconds (CSS)
Any second with one or more controlled slips (a replication or
deletion of a DS1 frame by the receiving device). This is
collected for network performance statistics only.
Loss of Frame Count
The number of Loss of Frame conditions.
Worst Interval The largest number of seconds for either ES, UAS, SES, BES,
or CSS, or the greatest Loss of Frame Count (LOFC).
If more than one interval contains the same worst value, then the
oldest interval is displayed.