3. Configuration Using the Web Interface
3-10 June 2004 8900-A2-GB20-30
Creating Alarm Threshold Profiles for Model 8985
To create an alarm threshold profile for an SHDSL line card:
1. Click on Create New Profile. The Alarm Threshold Profile Create screen
2. Enter or select the following fields:
Field Description
Profile Name Specify a name for this alarm profile.
Loop Attenuation Threshold Specify a loop attenuation alarm threshold of 0–127 dB.
An SNMP Loop Attenuation crossing trap message and a
TL1 autonomous message may be sent if the current loop
attenuation reaches or exceeds this threshold. A Loop
Attenuation alarm will also be declared when the current
Loop Attenuation exceeds this value. A value of 0 disables
event notifications for the condition.
SNR Margin Specify an SNR Margin alarm threshold of 0–15 dB. An
SNMP Margin crossing trap message and a TL1
autonomous message may be sent if the current SNR
Margin reaches or drops below this threshold. An SNR
Margin alarm will also be declared when the current SNR
Margin has dropped below this value. A value of 0
disables event notifications for the condition.
Errored Seconds Specify an ES threshold of 0–900 seconds. An SNMP ES
trap message and a TL1 autonomous message may be
sent if the number of ES events in a 15-minute interval
equals or exceeds the selected value. At most one SNMP
and one TL1 notification will be sent per interval per
device. A value of 0 disables event notifications for the
Severely-Errored Seconds Specify an SES threshold of 0–900 seconds. An SNMP
SES trap message and a TL1 autonomous message may
be sent if the number of SES events in a 15-minute
interval equals or exceeds the selected value. At most one
SNMP and one TL1 notification will be sent per interval
per device. A value of 0 disables event notifications for the
Code Violations Specify a Code Violations threshold of 0–900 seconds. An
SNMP code violations trap message and a TL1
autonomous message may be sent if the number of Code
Violations in a 15-minute interval equals or exceeds this
threshold. At most one SNMP and one TL1 notification will
be sent per interval per device. A value of 0 disables event
notifications for the condition.