
86 November 2003 8000-A2-GB30-10
8.3.5 devNTPEnable (RW):
.Indicates whether or not the local clock is synchronized via NTP/SNTP. When set to
enabled(1), NTP/SNTP is operational and will attempt to synchronize the local clock based
on the message(s) received from an NTP/SNTP server. Default value is enabled(1).
8.3.6 devNTPOffsetFromUTC:
.Offset (minutes) from the coordinated universal time (UTC), also known as Greenwich
mean time (GMT), to local time represented as a signed integer. The sign of the integer
denotes the direction of local time from UTC (for example, offsets for local times west of
the zero meridian to the international date line are negative). Default value is 0 (that is, at