
2Modem/DSU Commands
2-1536800-A2-GB31-20 January 1997
For each port of a DATAPHONE II device, the following EIA leads are displayed:
SI Signal Indicator (only for applicable APL modems)
TR Transmit Ready (only for applicable DSUs or DDD modems)
SD Send Data
RD Receive Data
DM Data Mode
RS Request-To-Send
CS Clear-To-Send
RR Receiver Ready
TM Test Mode
SB Standby Indicator
For each port of a 3600 Series DSU, the following EIA leads are displayed:
TXD Transmit Data
RXD Receive Data
RTS Request-To-Send
CTS Clear-To-Send
LSD Line Signal Detect
DTR Data Terminal Ready
DSR Data Set Ready
RL Remote Loopback
LL Local Loopback
TM Test Mode
EIA Status Results Form for 3900 Series Modems
The following results form lists device information for the specified device, the applicable set of
leads, and the status of each lead (Figures 2-48 and 2-49).
The results form displays only the RS232 Status screens for 3980, 3981, and 3982 modems.