
3. Using the Web Interface
6381-A2-GB23-10 January 2005
7. Select the encapsulation type (LLC or VC). If you are not sure which to use,
just use the default mode.
8. Select the quality of service (QOS). Leave the default value if your ISP did not
provide this information. Depending on the QoS you select, you may also
PCR (Peak Cell Rate)
SCR (Sustainable Cell Rate)
MBS (Maximum Burst Size)
CDVT (Cell Delay Variation Tolerance)
If your DSL line is connected and your DSL provider is supporting DHCP, you can
click on the Renew button and the router will retrieve an IP Address, Subnet Mask,
and Default Gateway address. At any time you can renew the DHCP address by
clicking on the Renew button.
Figure 3-10. DHCP Connection Setup
To complete the connection you must now click the Apply button. The Apply button
will temporarily save this connection. To make the change permanent, click on
Tools (at the top of the page) and select System Commands. At the System
Commands page, click on Save All.
Bridged Connection
A pure bridged connection does not assign an IP address to the WAN interface.
This connection method makes the router act as a hub that passes packets across
the WAN interface to the LAN interface.