Customer-Supplied Equipment for Model 3811
The following customer-supplied equipment is required for the installation of a
Model 3811 modem:
H A COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier.
H A male-to-female 50-pin mass termination cable. One Network Interface Module
(NIM) for modems installed in Slots 1–8 and one NIM for modems installed in Slots
9–16 (required for dial-line applications).
H One of the following modular or 50-pin dial or leased network interfaces:
— RJ11C for single line dial permissive applications
— RJ21X for multiple line dial permissive applications
— 66 punchdown block or other demarcation device
H One 6-position to 6-position modular cord (required for network management
H A Shared Diagnostic Unit (SDU) (required for network management applications).
Model 3811 Installation
The Model 3811 is designed for installation in a COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier
which supplies operating power and the dial and/or leased-line network connections.
For correct power, DTE, dial-line, leased-line, NIM, and network management cabling
information, refer to the
COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier, Installation Manual
Document No. 3000-A2-GA31.
The installation of a Model 3811 varies slightly if an SDCP is installed on the front of the
carrier. To install a Model 3811 modem into the carrier without an SDCP, perform the
following steps:
If the Model 3811 is removed from the carrier, always use a ground
strap when handling the modem. Always store the Model 3811 in an
antistatic bag when it is removed from the carrier.