
COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units
4-26 March 1999 3610-A2-GB41-60
The MCMP capability provides multichannel
multipoint operation over a 56 kbps DDS multipoint
facility. Figure 4-19 shows an example of channel-to-port
assignments and channel speed selections for MCMP
operation: the 48 kbps user bandwidth supports four
9600 bps channels and two 4800 bps channels.
MCMP with Digital Sharing
The MCMP capability can be configured for
multichannel multipoint and digital sharing at the same
time. Up to three digital-sharing groups can be formed at
each tributary site.
A digital-sharing group is formed by assigning the
same channel to each port in the group. All ports in the
digital-sharing group operate at the same speed and all
receive the same data. (The ports do not have to be
adjacent to one another, which is a restriction when
forming a digital-sharing group with the TDM capability).
The host protocol must enforce the order of transmissions
to avoid collisions; that is, the digital-sharing group is not
configured for contention. Refer to the following note if
contention is required.
Figure 4-19. MCMP with Independent Channels