Cassette erasure protection
Break out the erasure protection tab to protect the cassette against accidental
erasure of recordings you wish to keep. Stick adhesive tape over the gap if you
wish to re-record a protected cassette.
Some do’s and dont’s on tape care.
1) Use a good quality branded tape, such as Panasonic.
2) Keep in the box supplied with the tape, or a video case, when not in use.
3) Try to use the whole tape when making recordings and avoid re-recording
over the same section of the tape repeatedly as this will help prevent
premature tape wear.
4) Take care to insert a tape correctly into the VCR to avoid damage.
1) Expose the tape to high humidity or temperature.
2) Expose to liquid.
3) Expose to dust particles by storing directly on a carpet for example.
4) Use a damaged tape or attempt to repair it.
5) Dismantle the cassette housing.
6) Attempt to lift the front cassette flap or touch the tape surface.
Tape Care