2. Program Mode Table
Code Function Set Value Default Remote setting
001 Set the date and time mm/dd/yy hh:mm --------- NG
002 Your logo --------- --------- NG
003 Your telephone number --------- --------- NG
004 Print transmission report 1:ERROR 2:ON 3:OFF ERROR OK
007 FAX ring count 1 to 4 rings 2 ring OK
013 Dialing mode 1:PULSE/2:TONE TONE OK
022 Journal auto print 1:ON 2:OFF ON OK
023 Overseas mode 1:ON 2:OFF OFF OK
025 Delayed send ON/OFF OFF NG
030 Silent FAX recognition ring 3 to 9 rings 3 rings OK
031 Ring detection 1:A 2:B 3:C 4:D 5:OFF OFF OK
041 FAX activation code ON/OFF ON/ID=*9 NG
046 Friendly reception 1:ON 2:OFF ON OK
049 Auto disconnect 1:ON 2:OFF ON/ID=*0 ---------
058 Original setting 1:NORMAL/2:LIGHT/3:DARKER NORMAL OK
070 FAX pager ON/OFF OFF NG
076 Connecting tone 1:ON 2:OFF ON OK
077 Auto answer mode 1:FAX ONLY/2:TEL/FAX FAX ONLY OK
078 TEL/FAX delay ring 1 to 4 rings 1 OK
080 Set the default YES/NO NO NG
501 Pause time set 001~600 X 100 msec 050 OK
502 Recall time set 01~99 X 10 msec 70 OK
503 Dial speed set 1:10pps 2:20 pps 10 OK
520 CED frequency select 1:2100Hz 2:1100Hz 2100 OK
521 International mode select 1:ON 2:OFF ON OK
522 Auto standby select 1:ON 2:OFF ON OK
523 Receive equalizer select 1:ON 2:OFF OFF OK
544 Document feed position adjustment value set 01~99 step --------- OK
550 Memory clear Press "START". --------- NG
551 ROM check Press "START". --------- NG
553 Monitor on FAX communication select 1:OFF 2:P-B 3:ALL OFF OK
554 Modem test Press "START". --------- NG
555 Scanner test Press "START". --------- NG
556 Motor test Press "START". --------- NG
557 LED test Press "START". --------- NG
558 LCD test Press "START". --------- NG
559 Document jam detection select 1:ON 2:OFF ON OK
561 Key test Press any key. --------- NG
563 CCD position adjustment value set 00~30 mm --------- OK
570 Break % select 1:61% 2:67% 61% OK
571 ITS auto redial time set 00~99 014 OK
572 ITS auto redial line disconnection time set 001~999 set 030 OK
573 Remote turn-on ring number set 01~99 15 OK
590 FAX auto redial time set 00~99 05 OK
591 FAX auto redial line disconnection time set 001~999 045 OK
592 CNG transmit select 1:OFF/2:ALL/3:AUTO ALL OK
593 Time between CED and 300 bps 1:75/2:500/3:1s 75 ms OK
594 Overseas DIS detection select 1:1st/2:2nd 1st OK
595 Receive error limit value set 001~999 100 OK
596 Transmit level set 15~00dBm -10 OK
598 Modem sesitivity 20~48 45 OK
717 Transmit speed select 1:9600/2:7200/3:4800/4:2400bps 9600bps OK
718 Receive speed select 1:9600/2:7200/3:4800/4:2400bps 9600bps OK
719 Ringer off in TEL/FAX mode 1:ON/2:OFF ON OK
721 Pause tone detect 1:ON/2:OFF ON OK
722 Redial tone detect 1:ON/2:OFF ON OK
763 Friendly reception CNG detection select 1:10S/2:20S/3:30S 20S OK
771 T1 timer 1:35 sec/2:60 sec 35 sec OK
774 T4 Timer 00~99 (X100ms) 00 OK
815 Sensor check Press "START". --------- NG
844 Original setting 1:NORMAL/2:LIGHT/3:DARKER NORMAL OK
991 Transmit basic list 1: START --------- OK
992 Transmit advanced list 1: START --------- OK