The PC must be in PROGRAM mode for all cassette tape operations.
While the operation is in progress, the cursor will blink and the block count
will be incremented on the display.
Cassette tape operations may be halted at any time by pressing the CLR key.
The following error messages may appear during cassette tape operations.
Message Meaning and appropriate response
0000 ERR ******* File number on cassette and designated file number are
FILE NO.******** not the same. Repeat the operation using the correct file
**** MT VER ERR Cassette tape contents differs from that in the PC. Check
content of tape and/or the PC.
**** MT ERR Cassette tape is faulty. Replace it with another.
7-4-1 Saving Program Memory Data
This operation is used to copy the content of Program Memory to a cassette
tape. The procedure is as follows:
Press EXT.
Input a file number for the data that is to be saved.
Start cassette tape recording.
Within 5 seconds, press the SHIFT and REC/RESET keys.
Program saving continues until END(01) or the final address is reached.
Cancel by pressing the CLR key.
Key Sequence
Error Messages
1, 2, 3...
Program Backup and Restore Operations Section 7-4