Guides Included
The following guides are included with this machine. Refer to the guide that
corresponds to your particular objective.
Basic Operation Guide (this guide)
This Basic Operation Guide contains procedural steps for initial installation
and set-up of the machine and connection to a computer. It also includes
basic procedures for using the machine as a copier and printer and has a
Troubleshooting section.
Advanced Operation Guide
The Advanced Operation Guide contains explanations on copier and
printer functions as well as default settings adjusted on the machine.
KX Printer Driver Operation Guide
Describes how to install and set-up the printer driver.
PRESCRIBE Technical Reference
PRESCRIBE is the native language of these printers. This Technical
Reference contains information about how printing is performed using the
PRESCRIBE commands, as well as a font and emulation description.
PRESCRIBE Command Reference
Gives a detailed explanation of the PRESCRIBE command syntax and
parameters with the aid of print examples. This guide is stored on the CD-
ROM as a PDF document.