WFS709TP ProSafe Smart Wireless Switch Software Administration Manual
Configuring the Captive Portal 8-5
v1.0, June 2007
Select the options desired, then click Apply to apply the configuration.
Configuring the AAA Server for Captive Portal
The Captive Portal Authentication page allows you to choose the authentication servers to be used
for user authentication:
1. From the Choose an Authentication Server a pull-down menu, to select the authentication
server that will be the primary server.
2. Click Add for the selection to be applied.
3. To add additional authentication servers as backup servers, repeat steps 1 and 2.
Servers are listed in order of descending priority. The first entry is always the primary server
4. (Optional) To change the list order, use the up or down arrows to move an entry higher or
lower in the list.
5. Click Apply.
Changing the Protocol to HTTP
By default, HTTPS is used on redirection to the Captive Portal page. If you need to use HTTP
instead, do the following:
Login Page Location The page that appears for the user logon. This can be set to
any URL.
Logon Wait Interval Time range, in seconds, the user will have to wait for the logon
page to pop up if the CPU load is high. Works in conjunction
with the CPU Utilization Threshold.
5–10 seconds
CPU Utilization
If CPU utilization is above this percentage, the Logon Wait
Interval is applied.
Match ESSID List (Base
operating system only)
Specifies the ESSIDs on which the Captive Portal is enabled.
Proxy Host: Port (Base
operating system only)
Specifies the IP address of the proxy host and port used for
HTTP or HTTPS access.
Roaming ESSID List
Allows authenticated user to remain authenticated when
roaming between wired and wireless networks.
Table 8-1. Captive Portal Authentication Browser Interface Page Options (continued)
Parameter Description Default