User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
12-10 Managing Switch Stacks
202-10088-01, March 2005
Stacking Recommendations
The purpose of this section is to collect notes on recommended procedures and expected behavior
of stacked FSM7328S/FSM7352S. Procedures addressed initially are listed below.
• Initial installation and power-up of a stack.
• Removing a unit from the stack
• Adding a unit to an operating stack
• Replacing a stack member with a new unit
• Renumbering stack members
• Moving the master to a different unit in the stack
• Removing a master unit from an operating stack
• Merging two operational stacks
• Preconfiguration
• Upgrading firmware
• Migration of configuration with a firmware upgrade
Stack master election specifically determined by
the MAC address
• Assuming that both stack members have the
same priority value and software image, restart
both stack members at the same time.
The stack member with the higher MAC address is
elected stack master.
Add a stack member
• Power off the new switch
• Through their stacking ports, connect the new
switch to a powered-on switch stack.
• Power on the new switch.
The stack master is retained. The new switch is
added to the switch stack.
Stack master failure
• Remove (or power off) the stack master.
Based on "Stack Master Election and Re-Election"
on page 5, one of the remaining stack members
becomes the new stack master. All other stack
members in the stack remain as stack members
and do not reboot.
Table 12-2. Switch stack configuration scenarios (continued)